1007 Broadway
1007 Broadway was designed by Arthur Pillsbury in 1912 from his "Stock Plan 1006".
The home, named Sepia House, was first owned by E. Mark Evans, Treasurer of Campbell Holton & Co at the time, and his new bride Nan (nee Morgan) who was a graduate of Smith College. E. Mark and Nan became prominent members of Bloomington/Normal society and E. Mark was later a member of the Board of Trustees at Illinois Wesleyan and was an important part of the creation of Lake Bloomington. They raised their four children, Nancy, Morgan, Lucia and Orme in the home. Orme later became an important local architect after earning his degree at Harvard University. E. Mark’s mother, Mrs. R. F. Evans, and sister Florence also resided in the home as his father had died in 1906.
Nan’s mother, Lucy Orme Morgan, moved in with the family after the death of her husband and lived there until passing in 1944. Mrs. Morgan worked on many philanthropic and cultural affairs including the board of directors for the Girl’s Industrial Home for 33 years. The home was renamed the Lucy Orme Morgan Home and Nan served as a director.
Mark passed away suddenly in 1936, while visiting Nan’s brothers in Evanston. Nan continued to live in the home until the mid 1950s.
In 1913 a Gardener's Lodge was built on the property that is known today as the “Tea House”, a place where one would sit and wait to be invited in for tea. A porch addition was done in 1921, as well as a "remodel" and an addition were added in 1929. All of these were done by Pillsbury, except for that last remodel which was completed by one of the four remaining architects in his firm. There is some mystery about a garage that was constructed in 1910 (by Pillsbury) - perhaps there was a house there before that had to be taken down.
The gardens have been a place of interest since as early as 1923 when the “Japanese Garden” was featured in a walk hosted by the Art Association. The gardens have also been featured twice in the Glorious Garden Festival tour. The gardens weren’t the only tour this home was featured in – it was also in the 1967 St. Joseph Follow the Star Tour of Homes, benefiting the (then) new St. Joseph’s Hospital. The home was owned by Dr. John & Mary Ann Maloney at that time.
The current owners are only the third to call 1007 Broadway their home and would like to think that the two previous owners would find the house is still very much like it was when they lived here.
Things you won’t want to miss:
Art décor ceiling and beautiful detailed woodwork
1960s rustic family room and ceiling steam heat in the lower level
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